Appendix 2: Keeping the city clean – Waste, Resources & Street Cleansing Strategy 2021-2026

Action Plan – Managing waste on the seafront 


Services represented:

  • Cityclean – Modernisation Programme
  • Cityclean – Street Cleansing
  • Cityclean – Volunteering
  • Communications
  • Economic Development
  • Environmental Enforcement
  • Licensing
  • Seafront
  • Sustainability
  • Surfers Against Sewerage








Environmental Enforcement

·         Tackling littering offences, dog fouling, dogs not on leads

·         Provide advice to the public

·         Provide an enforcement presence in the area to deter offences

·         Issue Fixed Penalty Notices for offences

·         Assist with education by speaking with members of the public

·         Work with local businesses to ensure their waste collection services are sufficient

·         Explore the option of barring the use of Single Use Barbeques

·         49 FPNs for littering have been issued on the seafront for the period of June 2020 to September 2020

·         EEOs liaised with the public, providing education about the possible consequences of littering and handed out cigarette litter bins

·         EEOs spoke with vendors, explaining what improvements and changes they can make to their service

·         EE Managers to continue to lead the team, advising on the Framework and any changes to legislation

·         Consultation on banning the use of single use BBQs on council land to take place

Environmental Enforcement


Education and Signage

·         Ensure signage and information is clear and accurate to assist the public in using the area responsibly


·         Increase information on using the area for residents and visitors

·         Work with local schools and groups, provide awareness of the environmental impact of littering

·         Install signs where needed

·         New signs installed reminding people of the consequences of littering and advising to take rubbish home if bins are full

·         Progress with schools limited due to Covid; to be picked up in a smaller working group to identify actions to educate individuals and groups; using different platforms, including social media; educating within schools

·         Existing signage to be revised and updated

·         SAS working with community groups to develop a beach stencil






Bins and Operational Services

·         Review containment capacity for waste disposal and ensure a sufficient collections schedule is in place



·         Assess the seafront bin capacity

·         Ensure bins are in good working order

·         Ensure regular collections are provided

·         Continue litter picking




·         An extra 74 1100 litre bins were placed on the seafront for waste

·         Additional triple bins will be rolled out over winter

·         Bin capacity constantly monitored to flex up as needed

·         Teams continue to remove waste and empty bins through daily collections

·         New mini-matic truck being used

·         Seasonal staff recruited

·         Nightshifts used for busy weekends as a trial

Cityclean – Street Cleansing



Working with businesses

·         Jointly create innovative ways to reduce environmental harm from business waste

·         Create an affective and tailored Accreditation Scheme with businesses that will see varying and realistic changes for the future

·         Scheme to focus on reusable items, moving away from single use packaging

·         Work with businesses to enable them to be more proactive to encourage and manage their customers litter

·         Working to cover aspects of their licenses and their duty of care 

·         A proposed Accreditation Scheme has been drafted; this will now be shared with businesses for a pilot to take place

Surfers Against Sewerage





Economic Development)



Working with volunteers – Tidy Up Team

·         Engage volunteers to help keep the seafront area tidy

·         Provide a volunteer presence to encourage others to join clean up activities

·         The Tidy up Team lead will liaise with volunteers and organisations

·         Create a consistent approach to volunteer beach cleans

·         Assist with equipment on occasions and or install tool chests for easy access

·         Beach cleans have continued

·         These plans will be discussed in further meetings, which will be in a smaller group

Cityclean – Volunteering

(Cityclean – Street Cleansing
